Empower professionals and teams to unlock their potential and craft their own creative journeys with the right expertise.


Meet our team

Shreyas Satish

Founder & CEO

Jo Vinod

Finance & Operations

Aaditya Chowdhury


Suprateek Korukonda


Our Investors

Abhinit Tiwari

Lead Investor, ex-Head of Design, Gojek

Ranjan Sakalley

Independent Consultant, ex-Gojek

Sidu Ponnappa

Founder, ex-MD, Gojek India

Aprajit Kar

Head of Design, FoodPanda, ex-Gojek

Shayak Sen

Head of Design, Vedantu

Pallav Nadhani

Founder, FusionCharts

Kartik Mandaville

CEO Springworks

Obvious Ventures Pvt Ltd

Design and Strategy Consultancy

Fatema Raja

UX and Brand at FamPay

Vikalp Gupta

Independent Lead Designer

Our Advisors

We're lucky to be supported by some of the best minds in the world.

Steve Sule

Projects, Atlantis

Sidu Ponnappa

Founder, ex-MD, Gojek India

Special Thanks

We've been fortunate enough to work with industry mentors who have supported us in myraid ways.

Abhinit Tiwari

Lead Investor, ex-Head of Design, Gojek

Vikalp Gupta

Independent Lead Designer

Steve Sule

Projects, Atlantis

Araxie Miller

Kristen McQuillin

Sameer Bhiwani

Ragini Siruguri

Praneet Koppula

Rahul Gonsalves

Tejas Bhatt

Rasagy Sharma

Bargava Subramaniam

Amit Kapoor

Kenneth Dsouza